
The Master Architect Model

Centuries ago, architects were responsible for the entire process of building creation.They involved themselves not only in the design of the building, but also the design of the interior components. In some cases, this included everything from furniture to lighting fixtures and custom flooring design.

How the Master Architect model still makes sense today. Read more

The Master Architect model made sense then and it makes sense today, especially with the advent of advanced digital modeling software.Today, Architecttura is able to digitally create virtual buildings in unprecedented detail – so detailed that we are able to precisely estimate material needs, standard labour costs, millwork and much more. Our ability to forecast major cost items allows us to negotiate and manage project costs within much tighter budgets.

By overseeing every aspect of design and construction, we ensure that the finished building faithfully reflects the original design intent, is built in a more streamlined way, and ultimately saves you money.

How managing construction ensures a better build. Read more

As your architects, we understand exactly what you expect from your building. We know why certain design decisions were made. We know what’s important to you. That makes us uniquely qualified to guide the construction process – to make absolutely sure that the final product remains true to your goals and your vision.

It also helps to have a single, intimately informed source of authority for all construction decisions. A one-stop-shop saves time, money and reduces conflicts. It reduces the stress inherent in any building project and gives you peace of mind, knowing that your project is being managed by the people who know it best.

How parametrics open new doors of creative opportunity. Read more

Architecttura’s sister organization, Parattura, specializes in custom fabrication of parametric building components and systems. This close relationship allows our designers to create radically new, paradigm-shifting components that are optimized for efficient implementation.

The Seven Disciplines of
Our Master Architect Model

Master Architect Model

Life Cycle Management Architectural Design Integrated Engineering Construction Management Parametric Design & Fabrication Urban Planning Interior Design

As Master Architects, Architecttura offers expertise in seven key disciplines that, together, span the entire scope and life cycle of your project. It’s all built upon the unprecedented detail of our DeepDesign 4D modelling. Using advanced technology in game-changing ways is how we build intelligence into everything we do.

A modern revisioning of the Master Builder model

Michelangelo Buonarroti was one. So was Filippo Brunelleschi. Like most of their renaissance-era contemporaries, they defined themselves as Master Builders – visionaries who not only designed the greatest buildings of their day, but who also managed every aspect of the construction.

Over the centuries, that traditional architect’s role has narrowed. After the completion of the design phase, today’s architects typically hand the drawings over to the general contractor and limit their involvement to consultation and interpretation of the drawings. And that approach has worked well enough over the years. But as the technology of design has surged forward in recent years –from basic pencil-and-paper plans to finely detailed digital models – exciting opportunities have arisen for a revival of the Master Builder model. Architecttura has enthusiastically embraced that opportunity.

This office complex in Windsor, Ontario was designed and built by Architecttura using the principles of our Master Builder model.
Ongoing management and intelligent, preemptive upkeep are projected to provide the property owners significant long-term savings.


For the client, the advantages are huge. The Master Architect model seamlessly merges the architect’s, engineer’s and builder’s roles into a single, cohesive process. Whereas, in the (recent) past, these roles were performed as “silo” tasks, the Master Architect model now weaves them together as interlaced components of a single, focused effort. This ensures that the original design intent is understood and applied in every phase of the project, from initial concept through to the final built form. It fundamentally eliminates the possibility of conflicting views, standards, applications and executions while placing responsibility for the entire project in the hands of the professionals who most intimately know and understand the project.

Moreover, it allows us to manage the process, and our clients’ interests, throughout the process and beyond. This overview extends the term of professional representation to the entirety of the building’s life cycle – informing long-term update plans and managing ongoing economic factors. For many clients, this long-term commitment to the value and viability of the building makes the Master Architect model a welcome new approach.

If you want to know more about our Master Architect model and how it boost the long-term economics of your building project, please contact us. We’d be happy to discuss this and other ways in which we’re building intelligence into everything we do. Meantime, stay tuned for more. And please join us in celebrating our milestone 25th year of service.